“If we experienced life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure, and wonder of life never end.”
Title: The New Chapter: How Travel Looks Different Now That I’m a Mom
Traveling BC (before kids) definitely looked different than it does now. I was traveling the world, exploring exotic destinations, and immersing myself in different cultures. However, when I became a mom, things changed. (I know there are travel influencers who are moms that will argue me on this one, but I’m going to be honest… my hands are full and things are harder and different) So I wanted to share how travel has transformed for me as a mom, and how I’m still learning to embrace this new chapter of exploration.

Riding my bike on the most dangerous rode in the world in Bolivia (BC)
I haven’t stopped exploring… my adventures just look a lot different, and that’s okay (I keep telling myself that). Travel was my identity. Any chance I had, I was jetting off to somewhere new. But right now, there is no more packing up a bag and flying to Hawaii for the weekend just because… or going to the airport and seeing which flight I could get on to some country I’ve never been to (I’m not loaded …I had free flying benefits and zero responsibility). Between the pandemic and having three tiny humans in the last 5 years, the way I see traveling now is quite different.
BC (before children) I was always too focused on which country I could check off my bucket list and see how far away I could get, rather than really look at what was around me and appreciate the beauty in my own area and country. The way I picked a destination was the crazier the adventure, the better. If I knew nothing about the area and what I was in for, the more exciting it was!
Travel now looks more like what local gems can I go explore with the fam. While embracing this new perspective, I’ve come to recognize there are A TON… to the point where it’s almost overwhelming. I’m surrounded by awesome places which has made me really appreciate how beautiful my home state of Pennsylvania really is. There is so much to see and do around me, that I don’t have the urgency (like I did BC) to hop on a plane and fly 10,000 miles to a faraway land (although as I’m writing this, that still sounds amazing).

Our favorite local spot… a serene garden a mere 15 minutes from home, a gem I discovered when I embraced the beauty around me
There is something about discovering a new place, experiencing a different activity, meeting locals from a small town, going to a new restaurant… no matter where you are. It could be in Chang Mai, Thailand, Middle Of Nowhere, Ohio or simply the town next door. There are always special places and beautiful areas to be discovered. And that is why I have switched my focus on local.
So how does travel look for me now as a mom of three little humans?! Besides the obvious of having to travel with a ridiculous amount of STUFF! Backpacking in remote villages and partying it up until 1AM at a discoteca have been replaced with child-friendly activities. I’ve added playgrounds to my “must visit” list. And with that comes another “type” of fun. My husband and I now get to act like little kids and enjoy the simple pleasures of flying high on the swings, riding down slides and playing chase in random beautiful parks.

It’s 1AM and we’re all still up, too bad we aren’t at the discoteca
There is also a little more planning that comes with it as I’m now looking for more family friendly destinations. I no longer travel and see where the wind blows me as much as I did in the past. There is still a sense of excitement and anticipation looking for cool towns to check out and accommodations to book.
It’s also not just about me anymore, it’s about us experiencing travel as a family. It’s about instilling the love of exploration in my kids. (I think I say “we’re going on an adventure” 50 times a day!) That is what I’m all about. There is nothing cooler than seeing my kids’ faces light up as they experience new places and have these little escapades together. Seeing the world through their eyes reignites a sense of childlike wonder within myself and allows me to appreciate the beauty in even the smallest of discoveries.

Enjoying lobster rolls, a beer and amazing view with my girls on our family trip to Maine
Becoming a mom has undoubtedly changed the way I approach travel, but I haven’t lost my love for exploration and discovery. Instead, it has ignited a new sense of adventure, one that revolves around exploring more locally. I’m cool with that and accept it because it has changed my perspective in a positive way and it won’t be long until I have them jet setting all over the place as my little travel sidekicks.
I’m trying to appreciate the unique joys and challenges that come with traveling as a mom. It’s a process and isn’t always easy, but at the end of the day/ trip, it’s all worth it. While the days of jetting off to far-flung destinations on a whim may be on hold for now, the rewards of experiencing the world LOCALLY through the eyes of my kids is priceless. Embracing this new way of traveling has been eye-opening. I’ve learned the art of patience, found happiness in the tiniest moments, and explored unexpected places that turned into amazing adventures. I’ll keep valuing life’s small joys and journeys that I have with my little family.